Enable Networks

Services Provided:

4WoRK Design

4WoRK Project Management


Elevate Consulting

Enable Networks
Enable Networks
Enable Networks
Enable Networks
Enable Networks
Enable Networks
Enable Networks

As a Christchurch-based fibre infrastructure and customer broadband provider, Enable had a desire to re-focus their business on their customers. This desire led them to relocate to a prime, central city location and to re-centre their business and office on their customer’s experience, while creating a flexible workplace for their staff. The post-COVID timing, and an increase in staff working from home, gave Enable Networks the opportunity to reconsider how and where their staff will work in the future. The result has been a radical transformation of their office accommodation complete with a customer experience lounge; all designed and delivered by 4WoRK and Elevate.


In Enable’s own words: “Our new office space supports a flexible working philosophy which was a direct result of what we learned from COVID-19 lockdowns – where we all challenged our existing work conventions and mindsets. Our people decide what works for them when it comes to the way they work and where. To further this we wanted a workspace that reflected a fully flexible environment, offering a hub that will attract future talent, we explored designs and did our research looking at other businesses for inspiration. In our efforts to challenge convention, we decided to move away from a traditional open plan office and move to Activity-Based Working, similar to how many tertiary education centres are designed. Allowing for our people to work in ways that suit them and meaning we needed many less traditional desks in our new space. We’re loving our new office.”


This is the office reimagined. A hub for human engagement. Highly flexible, technology enhanced and future focused. With most staff working from home some days, effective human connection and collaboration become critical. It is a workplace with the ability to increase staff numbers without fit out change.


Enable Network’s new workplace goals have been achieved through:

  • Much more space is given over to social and collaboration areas, and less to desk areas.
  • A multimedia customer experience lounge, showcasing who Enable are and the products they provide.
  • A customer and staff café; sized and equipped for all-hands presentations.
  • Multiple desk work zones with different desking tailored for either collaboration or focus work.
  • Rooms specifically for focus work and video conferencing.
  • A large range of collaboration areas, both rooms and furniture settings; flexible in their use, reconfigurable, and equipped with collaboration technology.
  • Technology integrated throughout, maximizing the use and flexibility of every space